A congratulations to Dorothy who won the draw for the 5x7 print from my newsletter subscriber list. She chose the Lighthouse at Summerside Harbour. Congratulations. A thank you goes out to Bruce MacDougall who gave me permission to use his photo as a reference for the painting.
To see more click on Lighthouse Paintings
In the Studio
I cheated this week and was not in the studio very much. I was at the Canada Games cheering on the athletes. A shout out to all the athletes who competed in the Canada Games 2023. There is so much practice and hard work to prepare for these games. Also a thank you to the organizers and the volunteers who contributed to a successful Canada Games 2023. Prince Edward Island is noted for their exceptional volunteers. I was fortunate to be able to watch some great Women's Hockey. The fans at the games were so supportive with their cheering encouraging the players. And a sold out crowd! I am making some progress on my large painting, working on the leaves. Lots of leaves! Watch my Facebook for progress photos. https://www.facebook.com/JuneEllisArtist
Most Recent Work
This is a 11x14 inch oil painting on stretched canvas that I recently completed. Do you remember the picnic table in the background of the lobster trap painting in my last newsletter? Well this is it. Another in my 'Mill River' series.

Tips for the Artist in You
I was recently asked by another artist "I am thinking about creating a website, what do you think?" There are a few ways to answer this question, but first there are questions you have to answer.
What do you want to achieve from a website?
Do you want to sell your artwork online through an e-commerce site?
Do you just want to have a portfolio to refer people to?
How much money are you willing to spend, to have someone create it and for the annual cost?
Are you able to create it yourself?
Can you continue to update it on your own?
If you need further help answering these questions or have a question on another topic, please send me an email and I would be more than happy to help. juneellisartist@gmail.com
If you know of someone you think would enjoy my newsletters, please forward this email along to them and they can sign up with this link http://eepurl.com/hicSTb If you missed any of my newsletters, most of them are on my blog on my website. https://www.juneellis.com/blog Talk to you soon. June