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Getting Ready for The Winter

"Canada Goose" is an oil painting capturing the grace of the Canada Goose. It is that time of year when they are leaving for some place warmer. (wouldn't that be nice!) We too are preparing for the winter, whether it is getting our wood in or putting on winter tires. The original is available framed (11x14)


In the Studio

Busy time in the studio. I finished one commission and have started two more. I love creating memories for my clients. I recently gave a paint night to 15 ladies at Kildare Lodge here in Prince Edward Island. It was a great evening and I had as much fun as they did. Some really great paintings and nice to see the ladies adding their own special touch to their creations.


Most Recent Work

This is the commission painting I recently completed. Capturing memories is such a pleasure and adding the personal touch is so important.


Tips for the Artist in You

I recently attended a painting workshop on values. We used just three colours (red, blue and yellow) and painted our colour wheel. Then we painted five different swatches of values for each colour.

The instructor uses a black and white photo to capture the values. This is something that I also use as it makes it easier to see where the darks and lights are. Please give it a try if you haven't already.

If you have any questions please send me an email and I would be more than happy to


Lenny and Loki

My day to babysit and couldn't resist taking a photo of Lenny and Loki. I had Lenny (my grandson) for the day and we have Loki until May while his owners are in Germany. So double duty that day.


Stay tuned as a Give Away will be coming to my subscribers next month. If you know of someone you think would enjoy my newsletters, please forward this email along to them and they can sign up with this link If you missed any of my newsletters, most of them are on my blog on my website. Talk to you soon. June

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