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New beginnings, Let me show you!

New Beginnings. I just had to share a picture of this new little guy at only a few days old. Lenny is my fifth grandson and so happy to have him as part of the family. A whole new world for him and his parents! You can do it Nathan and Danielle.

Also in new beginnings, my second oldest son, Morgan and his family have landed in Germany. He is going to a new team to play hockey there.

We must not be afraid of new beginnings rather embrace them and let them carry you along like the tide. Enjoy, don't be afraid of them.


Quiet Paradise - is an 8x10 original pastel framed painting. It is of a cottage that is hidden in the dunes along the shore at Darnley, PEI. I see it every time I walk on the beach, which is quite often. This painting is available. To view more paintings and prints, please go to my website.


In the Studio

I have many of my pieces in galleries across the Island. And was very pleased to learn that one of my paintings recently sold at The Dunes in Brackley, PEI.

I was also one of the participants demonstrating my work at the Arts Festival that was held in Summerside, PEI. Great to get together with fellow artists.


Tips for the Artist in You

If you are trying to find an inexpensive way to frame your work, think of floating frames.

A local business makes and stains my frames. I paint on stretched canvas and it is so easy to install in these floating frames.

If you need more information on these, drop me an email.

Most Recent Work

As I mentioned, I am not doing a lot of painting this summer, so unfortunately I don't have anything new to show you. However, here is one that I realized hasn't made it to my website. "Boardwalk to the Beach" oil on canvas framed. I encourage you to do some exploring and take some pictures. I do commissions, so if there is a photo that you would like to have made into a painting, please drop me an email at


Things are slowly starting to get back to the 'new' normal. I am looking forward to going to some musical entertainment with family and friends. Enjoy your time together with your family. If you know of someone you think would enjoy my newsletters, please forward this email along to them and they can sign up with this link Talk to you soon. June

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