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Summer is Here, Enjoy It!!!

This oil painting called Girls on the Beach is a painting the I created some time ago. The original sold, but from that I have made small prints, large prints and very large prints. I encourage you to take the time this summer to jump in the waves and have fun. Summer is my favourite time of the year. You can see this by checking out some of my other paintings on my website.


In the Studio

The galleries will soon be full of exquisite paintings from artists all across Prince Edward Island. There are many fabulous artists just waiting for you to see their work. Take the time this summer to drop into some of those galleries, you will be amazed. I plan to visit some galleries over the summer and enjoy the works of other artists.


Most Recent Work

I am working on my seventh painting for the series. I started by blocking in some of the colours and then I will add the details. It wasn't finished by the time of publication. Summer is not really my time of the year for painting. I want to enjoy the summer and all it has to offer.

A Little Painting Lesson this Morning

My little 5 year old grandson, Nash enjoys painting. Grandchildren are a joy for sure.


Tips for the Artist in You

I know I have mentioned this before, but I encourage you to take the opportunity to photograph as many beautiful scenes as you can over the summer and fall months. This will help you to have a rich source of reference photos for painting later.

If you have a question on another topic, please send me an email and I would be more than happy to help


If you know of someone you think would enjoy my newsletters, please forward this email along to them and they can sign up with this link If you missed any of my newsletters, most of them are on my blog on my website. Talk to you soon. June


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