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Discount Offered to My Newsletter Subscribers

Northport Wharf is a painting I did sometime ago of the picturesque wharf in the western part of Prince Edward Island. It is a busy place in the summertime with the many fishing boats coming and going.  I was able to capture it during a quiet time.Northport Wharf is available at a 25% discount to my newsletter subscribers. To receive the coupon code, sign up for my newsletter.

Offer only until January 25th.  


In the Studio

Recently this painting "The Beach Awaits" found a new home in Ontario. So pleased to have someone enjoy it. To see more of my paintings, drop over to my website.


Most Recent Work

I have been working on some small 6x6 paintings. I find this gets me motivated as they work up much quicker than larger paintings. I have yet to sign them, but will get that done today.


Tips for the Artist in You


It is New Year's resolution time! Is one of your resolutions - to paint more?  And are you finding it hard to get motivated?  I started off by painting some small 6x6 inch paintings and that has inspired me to be in my art studio more.  Give it a try with some small canvases, you might enjoy painting on a smaller scale.If you have a question, please send me an email and I would be more than happy to help.


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If you missed any of my newsletters, most of them are on my blog on my website.

Talk to you soon.  June  


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